domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009


The language is the principal way that the man uses to express or to communicate all kinds of thoughts, worries.... the language is a set of many words of the spoken and written language the natural languages are many languages, because of it when one speaks about the Spanish, English, French, Asian language, and more.  It is because exist multitude of languages depending on the proceeding country or on the territorial, where the above mentioned language is practised.

The speech is one of the way, where the man can transmit his worries, thoughts by means of sounds.  The speech has a relation with the language and with the communication.

The communication is a process of transmission and receipt of ideas, information and messages. It can be for oral written way or for signs. The communication Oral is a process Of emission of words, phrases transmission by an issuer and receipt for a recipient, across sonorous waves. The communication Written it is a process the words phrases formed by small recognized symbols in the world, that Together form words, phrases that  all world is capable of interpreting and assimilating.

The communication for signs is a communication formed by the formation of corporal signs, natural signs ..... expressed by the issuer and the recipient receives and the interprets .

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

Theory Module 1

In this entry will comment as it is the asigantura of TIC aplicadas al aprendizaje de idiomas. The first lessons working on acronyms, and the seconds lessons working on definion, have been for my easy, a little dificult in his location but easy to elaborate.   I hope that they continue this way until his to end.
This lessons has seemed interesting, because i not know as can realize a blog.

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